Thursday, March 2, 2017

And so it begins...

As a mom of three I feel as if there have been times where I have lost myself. Not sure whether I was coming or going, forgetting how old I was turning or even questioning my likes and dislikes, I was constantly questioning whether or not a blog was for me. After a good year of sitting on it and constantly thinking about how I wanted to get my thoughts, finding and ideas out there to others, I finally said yes. Yes, it was ok for me to take some time to document this crazy, beautiful, sometimes hard life. I love sharing my ideas, findings and thoughts with others and what better way to be in the moment than to document it! I am hoping this blog can bring me a sense of self and will help me find the beauty in the day to day with small children and how amazing life really is.  I look forward to exploring this blogging world and interacting with all of you! So for now, I must sign the girls up for softball before I miss the deadline, pack lunches and then enjoy some tv time with my handsome hubby! I am so excited I finally said yes! Goodnight all!